Roswell CVB | Youth Sculpture Art Class
February 27 - April 03

Youth Sculpture Art Class

Students will explore the third dimension working with paper and canvas.

Students, ages 9-12, will explore the third dimension working with paper and canvas. Volume, shape, texture and color will be introduced. Our first sculpture project will involve creating a collaborative piece using paper to build up volume and shape. Each student will cut out a series of shapes and staple them into forms. These forms will be strung onto wire and hung collectively on a bamboo rod. The same process will be done with canvas that they have painted and will be individually wired onto a bamboo rod of their own. All supplies included!

  • Admission: Price: $120.00 - $180.00 Register Online
  • Location: Roswell Visual Arts Center
  • Time: 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM
  • 10495 Woodstock Rd
  • Roswell, GA, 30075
Upcoming Dates
  • Thursday, March 13
  • Thursday, March 20
  • Thursday, March 27
  • Thursday, April 3